
Reel Handle Knobs | Fitting Guide

SeReeS Reel Handle Knob Fitting Guide

There are 2 Types of SeReeS Reel Handle replacement options

  1. Type 1 - Replacement on existing reel handles - this type of fitting is limited to certain reels
  2. Type 2 - Removal of existing handle and replace with new complete SeReeS Reel Handle kit.

Type 2 fittings will fit any reel, yes any reel....99.9% 

Note: Be careful when drilling out existing knob, ensure correct drill procedure. If unsure we offer a free fitting service.

How to identify which handle will fit which reel?

  • The way to work out if it's a Type 1 or Type 2 fitting is to carefully remove the cap from the reel knob
  • if there is a screw in there then 9/10 times you will be able to remove the existing knob and replace with a SeReeS Reel Handle knob (Type 1)

Type 1 - Unscrew the existing handle knob and replace with new SeReeS reel handle knob

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Type 2 - Drill out exsiting reel handle knob and replace with new SeReeS Reel Handle knob








Type 1 - Shimano Type A and Type B chart - please check with us to ensure correct purchase


Type 1 - Daiwa Compatibility Chart Sizes S and L - please check with us to ensure correct purchase